Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Enough rain....

So i'm definitely in need of sun... it has been raining non stop and it's definitely making me lose my marbles...

the good news is that i've been making some good lead on wedding planning.. we have our hall, we now know which church that we are interested in, we have our main photography choice picked out, our invitations are pretty much decided...

really most couples at this time don't even know where to begin but i have been doing my research and well i think i am doing well so far...

plus we are on budget.. we made sure to maintain our budget in all our picks and if we do decide to go over budget on something, we cut it out from somewhere that doesn't need as much.

really i don't understand how ppl go like ten of thousands of dollars over their budget... why on earth do you need to come in on a helicopter or have dancers at your wedding... ppl can pay for tickets to go see that at a show in toronto... seriously spend your money on something like a house....

anyway thats my rant for now..

1 comment:

  1. Prima I am so excited for you 2! It has been raining like crazy here to! I have 6 work days left and I am going crazy!
