Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Turning over a new leaf

I'm really bad at this blogging thing... oh well

So i have decided to change my life around and start taking better care of myself. I decided to start eating healthier and try to lose some weight.

So as my first step i went to the doctor and discussed some options with him. I am gonna get my thyroid checked out. He gave me some good advice and i joined a website that has a health tracker and it definitely helps.

So on the site there are challenges that you can do. The first one i decided to try and do is the salad a day challenge. Along with this are 3 mini challenges. They include eating a whole fruit a day, drinking 6-8glasses of water a day, and 30 mins of exercise daily.

I have to say it has been difficult especially cause i work in a mall and well they are not know for the healthiest foods. But i am doing well.

I have also included my own little challenge and that is to have only 1 coffee... yes only 1 per day. that is hard but i will do it.

So as of today i fulfilled the exercise by walking around the mallbefore i started work. i also had a super yummy salad and had quite a bit of water. i think i fell short at only 4 glasses. i only had 1 coffee and had a yummy healthy snack when i got home from work. so far so good.

ive also made sure my parents are well aware of my change in lifestyle so that my mom doesn't make me bad food.

I am definitely gonna keep going and have to remember mind over matter. the mind is a powerful tool and i plan on making sure it keeps me ont he right path.