Thursday, January 27, 2011

~brain is tired~

forgive me if this post makes no sense but i thought i would owe it to blog land to post something even though its been like 22 days...

i have been busy and kinda lazy to do things that aren't at the top of my to do list that is like 20 miles long... hence the lack of blogs...

i have come up with some crazy great ideas for IASW so i have been busy searching and planning and designing and yeah...

i have also been working like a crazy lady.. for example this week i am working 6 days in a row cause i was nice to cover for my bosses mom so she could go away for a 2 days to celebrate her bday... yet when i asked for a sunday during christmass off to go see the ballet with my mom and anthony they said no cause they had a bday party to go to... yes i am still bitter about that...

only reason why i said yes was the money... i lost 2 days of work when sick with laryngitis and bronchitis...

the best news i think that i got that will make my entire year is that my cousin and my goddaughter are coming to canada to visit... yay!

super stoked..i have soooo many plans...

anyway thats pretty much it... oh and i lost 5 pounds.. i know random but thats what happens when you brain is tired and you wanna keel over in your chair but then you would hit your head on hardwood and that would hurt...

k i'm gonna go to bed


1 comment:

  1. YAY prima for the weight loss. I am soo excited to see you as well! We both know we need the time together :) 8 weeks and counting!
